I've posted one of these every year or so, but this time its seems a better time than ever to get a New Soul Jazz mix out to you all.
Why? Because this has been an exceptional year for Soulful Jazz music.
Evidence? Glasper's Black Radio. Darryl Reeve's Mercury. Diggs Duke's Gravity & Black Gold. The Visioneers Hipology. I can go on.....Gregory Porter.......Incognito........ Jazz, a real fusion rather than that MOR stuff you occasionally hear around, has made a great comeback in 2012. And not to soon either.
So to celebrate, heres a taster of things thats around now and whats been around. Below are links for the first edition of Nu Soul Jazz (Very popular, forever getting deleted, so grab it quick), plus the new edition.
Grizz returns next week (He's been practicing his Marathon running for the Olympics. He wont be able to drive anywhere because of road restrictions, so he has to run to work.), and I will return with more new music.
SoulNRnB' s Nu Soul Jazz - Vol One
SoulNRnB's Nu Soul Jazz Vol Three